From the President’s Bunker
Frank ’Bosco’ Correia
Semper Fi Marines! Hope this finds you all well. Please take a moment to remember those no longer on ‘patrol’ with us. We shall always keep our Brothers in mind; they will not be forgotten……
The reunion in Albuquerque was nothing less than a success, we missed those unable to attend. Hope to see all at the Gettysburg reunion this coming summer.
A great time was had by all in attendance. It was another memorable get together. The location and attractions were super, the Southwestern cuisine outstanding, and the time together, as always, was priceless.
Again, new Brothers were met, old friendships rekindled. This 2/3 Family of ‘ours’ lives on and gets stronger with each passing year. It is always a pleasure to see and spend time with you; the only regret is that the time passes so quickly.
JJ Flores and the ‘Reunion Fireteam’ should be commended for the great job of putting it together. I think you will find that the upcoming reunion in Gettysburg will not fall short of your expectations. George Schieder and the ‘ reunion fireteam’ have been working diligently to create another memorable event.
Remember that if you have a location or idea for upcoming reunions you will not be alone in preparing a proposal for the association to consider. The Reunion Fireteam leader (JJ Flores) and the Fireteam will guide, advise and help you toward preparing your proposal for the association to consider at the reunion. The Fireteam members this year are JJFlores, Chuck Chesney, Treasurer Hoy and George Schieder (Gettysburg coordinator). Whoever has the successful proposal for the coming year will supplant George on the Fireteam. George as well as past reunion coordinators will always be available as mentors.
The information for the reunion: registration forms, telephone numbers, some logistics, shirts and covers are contained in this newsletter. Email addresses and phone numbers for contact or assistance are also contained for your needs.
We hope to see you on the Battlefields of Gettysburg.
Thanks for your service to Country and Corps. God Bless America.
Your Brother Warrior
2/3 Association Officers 2010-2011
President Frank ‘Bosco’ Correia
Vice President Eddie Wyatt
Secretary Carl Sorenson
Treasurer Harry Hoy
Mission: Operation STAR
We’re looking for a ‘few good men’. The Association has committed to this effort. The search team letter that most of us received is informational and will help bring us to our goal of finding more 2/3 Brothers. To have any success in this endeavor, we as members, must actively become part of this process.
Jack Beavers and his initial team members….Mike Greer, Van Perley, Bill Snodgrass, Milt ‘Spyda’ Hoch and others have done the point work, now its up to us to take advantage of the resources we presently have.
Keeping it simple, the search team letter, spells fairly clearly what we must do in an attempt to reunite with our 2/3 Brothers, or at least let them know that we are out here. Ultimately their decision to either hook back up with us or not is up to them. But they do deserve to know that 2/3 is out here and we are looking for them.
Start the process, give Van Perley the name of the person you are seeking in the request, unit and years in country, where he was from and any other information that would aid in the search. That’s the first step. If we have the roster for that particular period (month), information contained on that roster will be forwarded to you. If not, the next step would be to obtain that roster. We need to all take that first step. There will be assistance throughout the process.
Contact Van Perley
Mike Greer
Together we can accomplish this mission. Remember, we’re Looking for a Few Good Men. Lets get as many as we can inside the wire.
Frank ‘Bosco’ Correia
President 2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association
A note from your Treasurer………….
At the beginning of another new year I am very happy to say that the 2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association is in fine financial shape. The thanks go to all of you members. My hat is off to you! We start the year with 146 paid members. Last year we ended the year with 179 paid members. This year looks like we will meet and possibly exceed our membership numbers from last year, so check the date on your membership card in your wallet to see if you need to send in your dues.
Thank you to all of those who voted to keep me as your Treasurer.
Looking forward to seeing you in Gettysburg in August 2011.
Semper Fi
Harry L Hoy, Jr., Treasurer
2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association
A note from your VicePresident……………
Fellow Marines,
I hope all of you are in good health and are looking forward to our ‘15th Reunion’ in Gettysburg. Please encourage those you served with to come. Sadly each issue of the magazine ‘Vietnam Veterans of America’ is filled with obituaries of our comrades. Many are our age and the ravages of Agent Orange and the other crap we were exposed to is taking its toll. For some of us this could well be our last reunion. Please make every attempt to attend this year. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you present.
Semper Fidelis,
Marvin ‘Eddie’ Wyatt
Reunion Fireteam contacts…………
John Flores
Harry Hoy
Chuck Chesney
George Schieder
No email access, contact Frank ‘Bosco’ Correia via telephone. 401-625-5601
1863 INN OF Gettysburg
August 10-14
516 Baltimore Street
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
(717) 334-6211
August 7-11 & 14th Single/Double $114
August 12 &13th Single/Double $124
These rates do not include tax.
When making your reservations refer to 2/3 Marines Vietnam Veterans Assoc
No shuttle service to Inn from airports & no shuttle service to airports from Inn
Air Travel The Harrisburg PA Airport
BWI (Baltimore-Washington Intn’l)
These are the closest airports, about 50 miles from Gettysburg
To qualify for these rates you must be a current 2/3 Member. The last day to register or order merchandise will be: July 13, 2011
If not attending the reunion and would like to order merchandise contact George Schieder to determine the shipping cost of your order.
Any questions about the reunion or merchandise should be directed to the Gettysburg Reunion Coordinator George Schieder.
George Schieder (607) 734-5645
This will be 2/3’s 15th Annual Reunion. Please try to attend.