2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association
 Newsletter 2012-2013

From the President’s Bunker
Frank ’Bosco’ Correia

Semper Fi Marines! Hope this finds you all well. Please take a moment to remember those no longer on ‘patrol’ with us. We shall always keep our Brothers in mind; they will not be forgotten……
The reunion in Hawaii was nothing less than spectacular; we missed those unable to attend. Hope to see all at the Washington, D. C. reunion this coming summer.

All in attendance had a great time. It was another memorable reunion. The location and attractions were unbelievable, the Luau’s cuisine outstanding, and the time together, as always, was priceless. 
Again, new Brothers were met, old friendships rekindled. This 2/3 Family of ‘ours’ lives on and gets stronger with each passing year. It is always a pleasure to see and spend time with you; the only regret is that the time passes so quickly. 

Eddie Wyatt, JJ Flores and the “Reunion Fireteam” should be commended for the great job of putting together the upcoming reunion in Washington, D.C., and the events planned will not fall short of your expectations. 

Remember that if you have a location or idea for an upcoming reunion you will not be alone in preparing a proposal for the Association to consider. The Reunion Fireteam leader (JJ Flores) and the Fireteam will guide, advise and help you toward preparing your proposal for the Association to consider at the reunion. The Fireteam members this year are JJ Flores, Chuck Chesney, Treasurer Hoy and Mike Greer (Hawaii coordinator). Whoever has the successful proposal for the coming year will supplant Mike on the Fireteam. In addition, past reunion coordinators will always be available as mentors. 

We ask that if you are planning to bring a proposal to present, please contact one of the “Fireteam “ members, at least one month prior to the reunion, so all proposals can be reviewed, prior to presentation at the meeting.

The information for the reunion: registration forms, telephone numbers, some logistics, are contained in this newsletter. Email addresses and phone numbers for contact or assistance are also contained for your needs. 

We hope to see you in Washington, D.C. Thanks for your service to Country and Corps. God Bless America.

Your Brother Warrior, Bosco
2/3 Association Officers 2012-2013
President Frank ‘Bosco’ Correia
Vice President Eddie Wyatt
Secretary Ed Krieser
Treasurer Harry Hoy

A note from your Treasurer………….
At the beginning of another new year I am very happy to say that the 2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association is in fine financial shape. The thanks go to all of you members. My hat is off to you! As of March 2013, we currently have 111 paid members. Last year we ended the year with 179 paid members. It seems as though, if you don’t attend a reunion, you forget to send in your $15.00 dues. Please check your membership cards to see if you are a current “Paid” member. Thank you to all of those who voted to keep me as your Treasurer.

Looking forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C. in August 2013.

Semper Fi
Harry L Hoy, Jr., Treasurer
2/3 Vietnam Veterans Association

A note from your VicePresident……………

Fellow Marines,
I hope all of you are in good health and are looking forward to our ‘16th Reunion’ in Washington, D.C..
Semper Fidelis,
Marvin ‘Eddie’ Wyatt

From the Reunion Fireteam……………
This coming August our Reunion will be in Washington, D.C. We the 2/3 Association, are always looking for volunteers willing to ramrod a location for the coming years ahead. It is never too early to start considering a location to investigate. Preferably a place you are familiar with. Since everyone is familiar with where they live, you would know the best hotels and points of interest and you would serve as the point of contact between 2/3 and the vendors located there.

On the 2/3 Website there is a copy of the Reunion Guide listing and suggesting what is needed for our Association reunions. It answers any questions you or a vendor would have regarding our needs, which makes the process a lot easier for our volunteer.

Remember, you are not alone, The Reunion Team is here to assist you in this effort, and it is never too early to start. Give YOUR location some thought!

Reunion Fireteam contacts…………
John Flores jjfraf@msn.com 
  Harry Hoy Gunsup1776@aol.com  
Chuck Chesney idahocalbear@gmail.com
  Mike Greer scubamike@hawaii.rr.com